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银河澳门娱乐app官方下载是一家成立于2002年的农业公司,总部设在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷. 开始小, 该公司已发展成为一家大型企业, 通过两个分支机构开展业务. Hwange Colliery has allowed us to become a notable figure in Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector. 我们相信我们
为我们的客户提供在非洲取得成功所需的投入, helping to create an environment where all who work with 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 experience 'Agriculture made better'.

We supply fertilizers, 化学物质, coal and other agricultural necessities countrywide

We hold direct distribution agreements with Kynoch (ETG), Bayer, Syngenta and Nova Agro化学物质

我们非常重视烟草作物, 分布在35岁以上,在Kynoch/ETG全球品牌下,000吨高规格烟草混合物




这家公司有两个供应肥料的仓库, 化学物质, 防护服设备, 全国范围的煤炭.

重点关注烟草, 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载为150多家公司提供输入,000个小农和20,全国每年生产的商业烟草面积达1万公顷.

我们已经将我们的整个运作戏剧性地转变为世界一流的标准. 我们相信,我们为客户提供了在非洲取得成功所需的投入, helping to create an environment where all who work with 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 experience ‘Agriculture made better.’


35岁以上,000 tonnes of high specification tobacco blends under the Kynoch/ETG Global Brand; alongside this we have various fertilizer programs for other crops including maize, 土豆, 小麦, 豌豆和特色作物. 我们还与拜耳签订了直接分销协议, 巴斯夫先正达和诺瓦农业化学公司, 控制着全国约40%的农化业务.


同时向全国供应化肥和化学品, 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 is a major distributor for Hwange Colliery coal; we have control of a major rail depot in Harare and distribute coal to farmers across the country. We have also brought to market affordable protective chemical gear as well as establishing a fully functioning recycling facility to eventually recover every plastic bottle and bag sent out by us.


To implement industry leading sustainable farming practises that lead to a strong and more robust African agricultural industry across all the areas that 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 are involved in.



提供优质的产品和服务对我们来说是至关重要的, 这就是我们每年开展一系列研究和开发活动的原因吗.

每年, 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 conducts fertilizer and chemical trials on both small-scale and commercial plots.

The aim of these trials is to find the best possible solutions whereby growers gain the greatest yields at the most affordable costs in the Zimbabwean agricultural climate.

This current growing season (2022-23), there are several trial plots scattered around the country. Comparisons are done between the different 化学物质 and fertilizers as well as insects, 疾病, 线虫, 以及每一行的权值. 所有的试验都由我们的农艺师密切监视, 报告中详细介绍了进展情况, 可在我们的网站查阅.

因为土壤提供了我们的植物生长和繁荣所需的基本营养, 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载引入了土壤采样,以方便我们的客户. 通过测试和分析, the nutrient levels in the soils can be examined to distinguish deficiencies and abundances.

银河澳门娱乐app官方下载,我们总是向前看, 努力改进我们经营业务的方式, as well as looking for ways of eradicating any harmful effects our business may have on the environment it coincides with.

One of our proudest developments has been the launch of the Recycling Facility at 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 Exchange Depot in Willowvale. 该设施包括一个塑料切割机和一个日光笼, 是先正达公司在2021年捐赠的吗. The initiative is focused on recovering and recycling as many empty plastic agro-化学物质 bottles and containers as possible.

配合我们的回收计划, 我们与塑料制造公司Corbett密切合作 & 该公司将回收的塑料重新加工成各种其他产品以供重复使用. Not to mention the 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 crates and buckets that are used profusely in our small-scale distribution, 哪些也是由回收材料制成的.

We want the auditor and customer to inspect our practices and show the world of agriculture that we are traceable and very serious about environmental sustainability. 通过让津巴布韦的农业产业加入我们的可持续发展愿景, we believe it will have a long-lasting impact not only on the longevity of the industry but will also impact on how the outside world views Zimbabwe’s agricultural practices.

银河澳门娱乐app官方下载,我们胸怀大志,不断扩张. We have 6 large warehouses at our Exchange Depot that stock mass levels of fertilizers, 化学物质, and other agricultural supplies to keep up with the demand of the country’s agricultural sector. 事实上, one of these warehouses contains a highly sophisticated fertilizer blender enabling us to blend our very own fertilizer. 这在Kynoch/ETG品牌下完成.

When 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 initially started, we took under our wing one commercial tobacco farmer. 这个数字现在已经增长到12个. We support and finance these growers, and in return, they sell their tobacco crops through us.

我们每年至少向15家烟草公司提供投入物,用于他们的农民, 而且这个数字还在不断增加. 我们不断探索新的产品机会,力求更好, 更可持续的解决方案,丰富所有种植计划.

作为一家企业,我们的目标是全面盈利并取得成功. 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载是个有活力的人, 绝对可靠的, and reliable business that is ready to help steer the Zimbabwean agricultural industry back to the upper levels it was once revered to operate within.

Our team of three agronomists spend most days out and about visiting customers around the country, 平均每周约1000公里. They gather information and feedback from our clients to comprehend trends and transmit relevant findings and information into blogs, 作物指南, 和通讯. By doing so, we hope to spread insightful agricultural knowledge to whoever concerned.

种植者不断寻求提高他们的业绩, one way to do this is by interacting with other growers and sharing success stories as well as highlighting areas that were not so successful. We make sure to organize a series of annual field days and discussion groups that put on show these various case studies.

我们非常重视客户的互动和满意度. We strive to give back to the 社区 through sponsorship and donations when and where possible.

每年, we host our annual 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 Golf Day; this is a highlight on the calendar where all our clients and supporters get to partake in a fun-filled affair. 除此之外,我们每年都会参加泥浆跑, 是由Husqvarna主办的吗, ADMA以及几个高尔夫日和学校体育节日.

The customer always comes first at 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载; we aim to provide a more than satisfactory experience for every client that chooses 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载.

这些人是银河澳门娱乐app官方下载最宝贵的资产. Our team comprises of a small yet key number of individuals who work closely together to make 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 what it is.

Company culture is of utmost importance to the organization; it fosters teamwork, 社区, 和包容性. The workforce drives the company, continuously building 银河澳门娱乐app官方下载 into a bigger and better brand.


在内部, we invest in our employees and strive to provide them with experiences that hone their strengths, 提高他们的技能, 并建立在他们的网络上.

去年, 我们的一个员工去了日内瓦, 瑞士, in June 2022 to partake in the Syngenta Customer Event Harvesting Success and in September 2022, 另一名员工去了巴塞尔, 瑞士, 参加Tymirium技术会议.



